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            • 姓名: 張穎
            • 性別: 男
            • 職稱(chēng): 正高級工程師
            • 學(xué)歷: 博士
            • 電話(huà): 
            • 傳真: 
            • 電子郵件: 
            • 通訊地址 廣州市黃埔區開(kāi)源大道190號


            • 中國科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)學(xué)士、康奈爾大學(xué)博士,中盛溯源生物科技有限公司聯(lián)合創(chuàng )始人、首席技術(shù)官(CTO)。主要研究?jì)热荩豪弥鼐幊?、定向分化、和基因修飾等技術(shù)。開(kāi)發(fā)hiPSC來(lái)源細胞藥物開(kāi)發(fā),參與承接科技部十三五和十四五國家重點(diǎn)研發(fā)計劃《干細胞制劑及應用的標準化研究》和《干細胞及相關(guān)產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量控制及評價(jià)技術(shù)》,建立中國人群超級供體”hiPSC庫、參與起草國內首個(gè)《人誘導多能干細胞》標準、完成臨床級hiPSC建庫質(zhì)量復核。20229月首個(gè)iPSC來(lái)源間充質(zhì)樣細胞治療產(chǎn)品“NCR100注射液”獲得國家藥品監督管理局藥品審評中心的臨床試驗默示許可。


            • 1. hiPSC向體節中胚層細胞分化,開(kāi)發(fā)iMSC等細胞治療產(chǎn)品;

              2. hiPSC向血液譜系分化,開(kāi)發(fā)iNK等腫瘤免疫治療產(chǎn)品;

              3. hiPSC向特定神經(jīng)祖細胞分化,開(kāi)發(fā)面向帕金森等神經(jīng)退行性疾病的細胞治療產(chǎn)品。


              社會(huì )任職:



            • 發(fā)表論文和專(zhuān)利

              1. Zhang H, Su B, Jiao L, Xu ZH, Zhang CJ, Nie J, Gao ML, Zhang YV#, Jin ZB#. Transplantation of GMP-grade human iPSC-derived retinal pigment epithelial cells in rodent model: the first pre-clinical study for safety and efficacy in China. Ann Transl Med. 2021 Feb;9(3):245. (#Corresponding)

              2. Yu J, Zhao T, Ma A, Zhang Y, Zhang K, Cheng L, Deng H, Kang J, Jin Z, Pan G, Hao J, Zhang Y, Fu B, Hu S, Na J, Liu Y, Cao J, Wang L, Zhu H. 《人誘導多能干細胞團體標準》,中國細胞生物學(xué)會(huì ),2021 Jan.

              3. 一種中腦多巴胺能神經(jīng)前體細胞及其制備方法和應用, 專(zhuān)利申請號201910169525.0

              4. 視網(wǎng)膜色素上皮細胞及其制備方法和應用,專(zhuān)利申請號201910320076.5.

              5. 一種腎上皮細胞及其制備方法和應用,專(zhuān)利申請號201910834502.7.

              6. 一種間充質(zhì)干細胞及其制備方法和應用,專(zhuān)利號ZL201910884482.4.

              7. 一種微環(huán)游離型載體高效重編程血液細胞生成iPSC的方法, 專(zhuān)利號ZL201810252408.6

              8. 一種通過(guò)蠑螈Oct4將人類(lèi)血液細胞重編程為iPSC的方法, 專(zhuān)利號ZL201810137319.7 9. Wang AB, Zhang YV, and Tumbar T. (2017) Gata6 promotes hair follicle progenitor cell renewal by genome maintenance during proliferation. EMBO J. 2017 Jan 4;36(1):61-78.

              10. Lee J, Kang S, Lilja K, Colletier K, Scheitz C, Zhang YV, and Tumbar T. (2016) Signaling couples hair follicle stem cell quiescence with reduced H3K4/K9/K27me3 levels for proper tissue homeostasis. Nature Communications 2016 Apr 15;7:11278

              11. Zhang YV, Johns L., Yu J. (2014) Generation of keratinocytes from pluripotent stem cells and maintenance of keratinocyte cultures. US Patent CDIN.P0055US.P1.

              12. Zhang YV, White B.S., Shalloway D.I., Tumbar T. (2010) Stem cell dynamics in mouse hair follicles: a story from cell division counting and single cell lineage tracing. Cell Cycle 2010 Apr 19;9(8).

              13. Zhang YV, Cheong J., Ciapurin N., McDermitt D.J., Tumbar T. (2009) Distinct self-renewal and differentiation phases in the niche of infrequently dividing hair follicle stem cells. Cell Stem Cell, Volume 5, Issue 3, 267-278.

              14. Waghmare S.K., Bansal R., Lee J.*, Zhang YV*, McDermitt D.J., Tumbar T. (2008) Quantitative proliferation dynamics and random chromosome segregation of hair follicle stem cells. EMBO J. 27(9):1309-20. (* equal contribution)

              15. Osorio, K.M., Lee, S.E., McDermitt, D.J., Waghmare, S.K., Zhang, YV, Woo, H.N. Tumbar, T. (2008) Acute Myeloid Leukemia Factor 1 Controls Developmental but not Injury Driven Activation of Hair Follicle Stem Cells. Development, 135, 1059-1068.

              16. Yao X., Zhang Y., Chen W., Dou Z. (2005) Patent: A new developed absorbent polymer for protein condensation. The State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China Patent No.: ZL200310106547.1

              17. Dou Z., Ding X., Zereshki A., Zhang Y., Zhang J., Wang F., Sun J., Huang H., Yao X. (2004) TTK kinase is essential for the centrosomal localization of TACC2. FEBS Lett, 572: 51–56.